#Added optional SQL stats mode. To enable, uncomment "#define SQL" in the SMA file and recompile. The first 4 cvars are self-explanatory: gg_sql_host, gg_sql_user, gg_sql_pass, and gg_sql_db. There are 3 other cvars which just let you set the table names: gg_sql_table (default "gg_stats"), gg_sql_streak_table (default "gg_streaks"), and gg_sql_players_table (default "gg_players"). When compiled in SQL mode, the stats files are ignored and all stats-keeping is done via SQL. Go to the SQL page for more information.
#Added win streaks. It keeps track of your record streak, the all-time server record streak, and your current streak. With it, added the cvar gg_stats_streak_file (default "gungame.streaks") which is the file to use to keep track of them.
#[Added gg_stats_split (default 0), which if enabled keeps seperate stats for regular and teamplay mode.
#All of the sound files have been redone so that I am now actually allowed to distribute them legally (and likewise the default values for the sound cvars have been changed). Sorry if they're not as awesome (you be the judge).
#When teamplay is enabled, GunGame now looks for a gungame_teamplay.cfg file and tries to execute it (in addition to the regular gungame.cfg file).
#Added two new modes for gg_knife_pro: Setting it to 2 gives the killer a level steal, but the victim doesn't go down a level. Setting it to 3 gives the killer just one point and the victim does go down a level.
#[Added stats tracking by name: set gg_stats_ip to 2 to enable it.
#Added built-in support for Brad's Galileo plugin.
#The gg_teamplay and gg_autovote_mode cvars now optionally take comma-separated sequences as values. So for instance, setting gg_teamplay to "0,2,1" will result in a regular round of GunGame, then a round with random teamplay, and then a round with teamplay definitely enabled. Originally requested for gg_autovote_mode by Arrow.
#Setting gg_triple_on to 2 now enables it even with gg_turbo also enabled.
#Added a cvar gg_top10_ppp (default 8) which controls how many players to display per page on the top 10 list. Optionally, setting this to a URL will open a MOTD window to that page when players type !topX (to be used with SQL stats primarily).
#Added an optional parameter to the amx_gungame_vote command which lets you specify the vote mode (corresponding to the values of gg_autovote_mode).
#The gg_winner_motd now optionally takes a URL, which will be displayed instead (to be used with SQL stats primarily).
#Made gg_afk_protection work more reliably. Now it is more lenient in that you can move within 28 units horizontally of your spawn position, and you can look around in the horizontal direction. This makes it work in cases where AFK players would get pushed back by high-powered guns or where sometimes the angles on spawn and angles on death didn't matched up for some inexplicable reason. If you want to use the previous, stricter method, set gg_afk_protection to 2.
#Removed gg_colored_messages and replaced it with gg_messages (default 1). Set gg_messages to 0 to disable all GunGame messages. There are now four flags you can specify: classic (2), which displays the old-school GunGame chat message telling you your level; no color (4), which turns off coloring of GunGame chat messages; hide text (8), which suppresses all GunGame chat messages; and hide HUD (16), which suppresses all GunGame HUD messages. To use the flags, add up the numbers of the flags you want to use, and set gg_messages to that number plus one.
#Added back in the ability to refresh a player's timestamp in the gungame.stats file whenever they connnect (versus whenever they earn points). For SQL stats, it naturally doesn't take very much time at all. Also, for flat-file stats, I rewrote it so that it is pretty fast, so it shouldn't slow your server down. To enable it, uncomment "#define REFRESH_TIMESTAMP_ON_JOIN" in the SMA file and recompile.
#It's now possible to add in the special functions of the "speak" command for the sound cvars. Just make sure to leave off the file extension. For example, gg_sound_leveldown "sound/ambience/xtal_down1(e70)"
#Fixed a bug where players killed by certain custom plugins like Napalm Nades or GasNades wouldn't respawn (thanks addam).
#GunGame is now more compatible with plugins that hide HUD elements (requested by worldspawn).
#For amx_gungame_level, you can now specify @T instead of @TERRORIST for the target if you want to (they function the same).
#Made executing of gungame.cfg slightly more efficient. However, as an indirect result the ";" comments no longer work like they used to, so use "//" comments instead.
#Fixed a problem where some GunGame messages would still be partially colored even with colored messages disabled.
#Fixed various problems that could occur with a very small value of mp_chattime.
#GunGame now stops (most) sounds before playing the winning sound to make sure that it gets played more reliably and doesn't conflict with any other long sound effects. Thanks cre8or.
#Fixed a problem where the "star" sound wasn't playing for gg_triple_on.
#Renamed the gg_teamplay_melee_mod cvar to gg_teamplay_knife_mod.
01/06/11 :: Changelog from Beta 3 to Beta 4 (back to top)
Added cvar gg_bots_knifeable (default 1): if set to 0, then nothing happens if a human knifes a bot (meaning they can't steal levels or pass the knife level by knifing bots). Suggested by BRIGADIER.
Added an option for gg_winner_motd: setting it to 2 will update the gg_sql_winmotd_table table but still show the default win MOTD. Previously, the gg_sql_winmotd_table table would only be updated if a custom HTML win MOTD was used.
Changed some of the default sound files (gg_knife_level.wav, gg_nade_level.wav, gg_welcome.wav, gg_takenlead.wav, gg_tiedlead.wav, and gg_lostlead.wav) to newer versions created by SeNz0r.
Fixed a bug where the gg_sound_welcome sound would be played as a round win sound. Reported by gokajko.
Fixed a bug where GunGame would never use random weapon orders when combined with GunGame's autovote feature. Reported by gokajko.
Fixed the amx_gungame_score command so it will grant the score no matter what (even if there are no players on the opposite team). Reported by Min2liz.
Fixed a bug where a specific SQL query that has to do with win streaks information could be generated and run with invalid syntax, provoking a SQL error.
Updated the default win MOTD's HTML code so that it is more compatible with UTF-8 characters. Reported by 007asha.
Fixed a bug where upon leveling up, if a player was previously holding their knife, it would switch to their new weapon instead of keeping their knife out as intended. Reported by BbIX. Note that if the player is using the "Automatically switch to picked up weapons (if more powerful)" option then there will be a small delay as they get switched back to their knife from their new weapon.
09/08/10 :: Changelog from Beta 2 to Beta 3 (back to top)
* Optimized SQL code to use less queries to accomplish the same thing, particularly with end of match stuff.
* GunGame will now attempt to reconnect to the SQL server in the event that the connection goes bad (thanks 2inspyr).
* Different weapon orders in gungame_teamplay.cfg now properly work (thanks BbIX).
* Changed the default value of gg_block_equips from 0 to 2.
03/29/10 :: Changelog from Beta 1 to Beta 2 (back to top)
* Added a new command requested by Pamaliska: amx_gungame_score [dont_refill] which works just like amx_gungame_level but instead affects a player's score (kill requirement). Set dont_refill to not refill a players ammo and armor.
* Fixed a bug with flat-file stats reported by f0xZ where if no gungame.stats file already existed, it would prevent stats from being saved properly. Now GunGame will just auto-create a stats file for you in that case like it should.
* Renamed the gg_sql_players_table cvar to gg_sql_winmotd_table and likewise updated its default value to "gg_winmotd". This was done to make more clear the purpose of the table.
* If using a custom gg_winner_motd web page, the stats_position field in the gg_sql_winmotd_table now properly reflects the players new stats positions.
* Fixed a potential SQL error when using a custom gg_winner_motd web page that would cause a SQL disconnect for the rest of the map.